Jan 03, 2018 | Mark Ewing | 989 views
10,000 Touches Challenge Reward
After 8 weeks of hard work away from the rink, the boys completed the OMHA 10,000 Touch Challenge earning themselves a team reward, while helping to strengthen their hockey skills.
For the reward please make sure the digital waiver form is filled out and your son's Booster Juice order has been submitted. The bus will meet us in the front parking lot of the Sportsplex at 845am and our plan is to be back for pick up at 130pm. Your son will need indoor or clean shoes for the activity as well as comfortable clothing as the reward is physical.
We hope the boys are as excited as we are for this team building reward. It is our hope that this helps to bring the boys a little closer as we get ready for the Silver Stick Finals and the OMHA's.