Nov 19, 2017 | Brad Quinn | 977 views
2017 Bradford Blue & Gold Rep Tournament Champs
It was a great weekend of hockey in Bradford, Aurora and Alliston this past weekend. After two tough losses (but really well played games) the CW Fusion Bantam A boys went on to win 4 straight games on their way to capturing the 2017 Bradford Blue & Gold Rep Tourney Championship! So proud of our boys! These were some tough teams but the boys were competitive in each and every game. Thanks to some great back-checking, our defence and goaltending, in 6 games we only gave up 7 goals (with one empty netter). We also would like to thank Peyton Drone, Ryan Oakes and Evan Palmer (from the Minor Bantam A team) and to Blake Harrison and Kelsi Mallany (from the Bantam AE team) for their tremendous effort in helping us win GOLD this weekend!!!