Important Tryout Information for the Weekend, News (Centre Wellington Minor Hockey)

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Sep 24, 2021 | Brandy Swain | 1514 views
Important Tryout Information for the Weekend
Please review this important tryout information.

Arriving at Tryouts
  • All of Saturday's ice times are in Fergus on Pad A.  Everyone entering the building will come in through the main double doors at the front of the building.  
  • There will be security at the door to check proof of vaccination of all spectators aged 12 and up as per the Ontario Government mandate.  Participants who are under 18 are not required to show proof of vaccine to enter the building (participants only, not sibling spectators).  
  • You will need to complete the township screening form before arriving (link at bottom of email).  
  • Please come dressed.  As noted in the township ice rental document below, change rooms will be limited by occupancy requirements and overflow chairs will be provided outside of the changerooms.
  • Everyone using the building that day will come in the same door so expect lineups (Pad A/B, gym, pool, vaccine clinic).  
  • All spectators must watch from the stands.  The warm area and lobby will be off limits once your ice time begins.  
  • Face coverings must be worn at all times by spectators and players when not on the ice.  
  • Please try to limit the number of spectators you bring to tryouts as this is a busy time with lots of new rules to learn.
Vaccination Records
  • Children Born in 2009 and earlier: the OMHA requires this group of players to be fully vaccinated including the 14 day waiting period by Oct 31, 2021 in order to be rostered.  If your child has completed their full series of vaccines, please bring the receipt for Dose 2 and their health card to the vaccine table so we can check them off the list.  If your child has had one dose, please bring the Dose 1 copy and health card to the table.  Dose 2 will have to be verified by Oct 17th.  This means dose 1 will have to be administered before attending these tryouts.  If you are requiring an accommodation from the OMHA, please note that at the table.  No child will be rostered to a team until both doses are complete and the 14 day waiting period has passed or an approved accommodation has been received.  
  • Children born in 2010 or later, you can bypass this table.  
  • Coaches and volunteers: this is a great time to have your vaccine records updated at the table as well.  These are required for all volunteers, on and off ice officials and executive members.
Outstanding Payments
All players must have completed payment for the base fee and the tryout pass before they will be allowed on ice (this does not include non-residents).  There will be a second table once you get through the vaccine check to process payments, check in players and collect non-resident documentation.  If you have only registered for one of these fees, please head back to the registration page, choose the correct store and register.
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If you require a refund, please complete the request form below.  These will be processed ASAP.
All of the information below can also be found under the COVID tab on our website -
Township Ice Rink Protocols
Township Screening Form
Township Proof of Vaccination Press Release
OMHA Vaccination Policy for those born in 2009 or earlier
OMHA Vaccine Accommodation Request
WDGPH Letter of Instruction for Organized Sport