Rep Coaching Application (Centre Wellington Minor Hockey)

Rep Coaching Application
Please complete this form if you would like to apply for a head coach position on a rep team. We welcome applications from both parent and non-parent volunteers. CWMHA thanks all applicants for their interest. We will contact applicants selected for further consideration.

Contact Information



Experience #1

List in order, starting with most recent experience. Please list other sports last.

Experience #2

Experience #3

Additional Information

Coaching Agreements:

  1. I hereby consent to the disclosure of this application for the purposes of the coach selection process.
  2. I hereby acknowledge the authority of Hockey Canada, OHF, OMHA, and Centre Wellington Minor Hockey association and agree to carry out and abide by their constitutions, bylaws and rules and regulations.
  3. I hereby acknowledge that I have read and understand the coaches role as outlined in the “Coaches Code of Conduct”.
  4. I understand that player development is a goal of this Association and I support this.
  5. I hereby pledge to provide the best program I can for my players.
  6. I hereby acknowledge that I am 19 years old or above.