Updated Arena Protocols - Effective Jan 28, News (Centre Wellington Minor Hockey)

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Jan 28, 2022 | Brandy Swain | 1281 views
Updated Arena Protocols - Effective Jan 28
Please see attached updated protocols from our township and guidelines from CWMHA.

Although not exhaustive, here are some key points:

  • Arrive no more than 30 minutes prior to your ice time (games and practices). Access to dressing rooms will be granted 20 minutes before the ice time.
  • Contract tracing is no longer required for the township. Participants and spectators are no longer required to fill out the Centrewellington.ca/screening form prior to entering the facility. Staff/security will actively screen everyone entering the facility.
  • Spectators may only consume food or drinks in the facility if they are seated.
  • Off ice warm-ups are not permitted in the facility.
  • As of January 4, 2022, everyone 12 years of age and older must provide Proof of enhanced Vaccination with QR Code upon entry (unless valid QR code proof of exemption is provided as outlined by O. Reg. 364/20). Children who were born in 2010 and who are 12 years and 12 weeks of age or younger are not required to provide proof of vaccination.
  • Dressing room and spectator areas are restricted to 50% capacity.
CWMHA would like to remind the membership of the following:
  • Please check team calendars often.  Rep, LL and U9/U8 will get additional information over the next few days pertaining to their game schedules.
  • Our association will continue to screen at all activities (practices and games).  Contract tracing within CW Minor Hockey is still required.
  • If you or your child are feeling ill, do not attend. 
  • If in contact with a positive case, do not attend and notify your coach who will communicate with association divisional conveners.  Our goal here is to keep the program on the ice through the end of the season.

