Updated Arena Protocols - Effective Dec 20, News (Centre Wellington Minor Hockey)

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Dec 29, 2021 | Brandy Swain | 1216 views
Updated Arena Protocols - Effective Dec 20
Please see attached document for updated protocols, specifically the following:

  1. Entry updates (all enter via main entrance facing Belsyde Ave in Fergus)
  2. No food or drink allowed
  3. Younger players who require assistance should arrive dressed
  4. We are limited to entering our ice time 20 minutes prior and exiting within 20 minutes of end
  5. Everyone (spectators and participants) 12 years of age and older entering township recreational facilities will be required to provide the following to staff or security upon entering a recreational facility:
  • Proof of vaccination or medical exemption (through the downloaded enhanced vaccine certificate) (Provincial QR code required as of Jan. 4, 2022)
  • Government identification (a picture or legible photocopy is acceptable)
  • Complete the COVID-19 health screening (www.centrewellington.ca/screening) Please have your screening email confirmation ready to show security when checking in.
