COVID-19 Arena Protcols, News (Centre Wellington Minor Hockey)

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Sep 10, 2021 | Brandy Swain | 2815 views
COVID-19 Arena Protcols
Please note the following protocols for both Fergus and Elora arenas.

1. Please come dressed.
2. No parents permitted in the dressing rooms.
3. Those requiring skates to be tied can do this in the lobby of the Elora arena or the area in Fergus used last season.
4. Entry in Fergus as last year (double doors down from main entry). This will be marked. 
5. Elora entry through main doors.
6. Parks and Rec screening for all those coming in. (on-line) 
7. CWMHA screening (name of parent and child entering.) Paperwork must be completed when entering each facility.
8. No mingling/herding- must social distance and wear masks (mandatory)
9. Parents can sit in the stands if they wish, socially distanced. No walking around the facilities.  Food booth will be closed.
Please be patient as we navigate the return to hockey. It is critical that we follow the Public Health Protocols, the CW Parks and Recreation protocols and the CWMHA protocols to keep the kids on the ice. 