Dec 11, 2020 | Brandy Swain | 1981 views
CWMHA Programming Under the RED Zone of the COVID-19 Response Framework
Effective Monday, December 14, WDGPH will move into the RED zone of the Ontario COVID-19 Response Framework. As a result, CWMH will be pausing our programming until we are able to return to the ORANGE zone.
Ice times for this weekend, Dec 12 and 13 will run as scheduled.
The earliest we might be back to the ice is Mon, Jan 11, which would coincide with the start of our planned Session 2.
Registration for Session 2 will remain open. Please continue to sign up or opt out as decisions are made in your family. This information will help us plan and prepare for Session 2 should we be able to return to the ice. Payments made by credit card are very easy to refund as necessary. If you would like to pay via cash or e-transfer, I would ask that you hold onto those payments until we have a definite return date.
We will share more information as it becomes available. Please keep an eye on our website.
Take good care, stay safe and let's all do our part to ensure we return to the orange zone next month so we can get our kids back out on the ice.