A CW Hockey Dad and his Cancer Walk, News (Centre Wellington Minor Hockey)

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Dec 10, 2020 | Brandy Swain | 1111 views
A CW Hockey Dad and his Cancer Walk
Mike and his family have been a part of CW Minor Hockey for several years now and we are proud to share his story with the membership.  If you feel like being inspired to do some good, read on! 

In the coldest month of the year in February 2013, Mike Duhacek set out on a journey of over one million steps across Ontario from Windsor to Ottawa, pulling a 125-pound sled with the letters CANCER on it, to raise awareness and funds for the Canadian Cancer Society. He dedicated the walk to his mom.

The interest in his story has never subsided, and many people have told him they draw inspiration from it, so he has subsequently written a book titled "One Foot in Front of the Other – the journey of a million steps". It is filled with stories of the kindness of strangers he met along the way, personal experiences people shared with him, as well as over thirty photographs that visually capture the journey. It is a story of struggle, of family love and one man’s perseverance to make a difference, in hopes it may inspire others to do whatever it is they dream of doing. 

This non-fiction inside look tells the story of an ordinary guy doing something some have called extraordinary, and who loves his family, loves his province, loves his country. Mike has heard from people all over Canada, the United States, Ireland, England, New Zealand and Australia about his book. He says to be able to put it in someone’s lap across the ocean and have them feel the struggle in each step is mind-blowing.

Mike was honoured to be appointed the 2020 Canadian Ambassador of Cops for Cancer and is currently working on a nationwide virtual fundraising event to raise funds and awareness for childhood cancer. To learn more about his amazing story, including where to purchase his book, you can visit helpmeburycancer.com
