Move to Orange, News (Centre Wellington Minor Hockey)

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Nov 14, 2020 | Brandy Swain | 2244 views
Move to Orange
Please note that our public health unit will move into the Orange category in the province's pandemic response framework as of Monday, November 16.

This will not affect our programming much but does reinforce some of our safe play requirements.  You will find below the Orange listing for Sport and Recreation, taken from the government website.  The link to this information is at the end of the article.  One of our biggest complaints we have received is only allowing one parent/guardian per player, which is also now a provincial requirement.   Anyone abusing these guidelines will be addressed, up to and including removal from the program.  This is not the time to risk programming for all of our membership.

Also, a reminder to all parents who are not staying to watch: please ensure you stay with your child until they have been screened in at the door.  Minors are not allowed to screen themselves in.

Sports and recreational fitness facilities

  • Maximum 50 people per facility (revoke OCMOH approved plan) in all combined recreational fitness spaces or programs (not pools, rinks at arenas, community centres, and multi-purpose facilities)
  • No spectators permitted (exemption for parent and guardian supervision of children)
  • Team or individual sports must be modified to avoid physical contact; 50 people per league
  • Exemption for high performance athletes and parasports
  • Limit duration of stay to 90 minutes except if engaging in sport
  • Limit volume of music to conversation level and prevent shouting by both instructors and members of the public
  • Face coverings required except when exercising
  • Increase spacing between patrons to 3 metres for areas of a sport or recreational facility where there are weights or weight machines and exercise and fitness classes
  • Require contact information for all patrons and attendance for team sports
  • Require reservation for entry; one reservation for teams
  • Require screening of members of the public, including spectators (for example, questionnaire)
  • safety plan must be available upon request