CWMHA Terry Conroy Memorial Scholarship, News (Centre Wellington Minor Hockey)

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Feb 07, 2020 | Brandy Swain | 2068 views
CWMHA Terry Conroy Memorial Scholarship
Centre Wellington Minor Hockey Association is pleased to announce the Terry Conroy Memorial Scholarship.  All applications are due March 1, 2020.

The game of hockey was important to Terry. He felt strongly about on ice experiences and enjoyment of the game. Terry also recognized the importance of a good education. Therefore CWMHA has established this annual scholarship awarded to a graduating Midget player that is continuing onto post secondary education.

The successful candidate must also demonstrate good sportsmanship, great team work, community involvement, and be a graduating Midget Local League or Representative player.

CWMHA invites applications in writing be sent to Christine Cook, President, CWMHA. Applications will be reviewed by the CWMHA Board along with the Conroy family.

For more information please contact , Christine Cook , [email protected]
